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In this category you will find all our assortments of Gütermann brand sewing threads, the best brand for sewing and embroidery. Below you can find these main categories:

- Gütterman Sew-all thread

This is one of the most profitable threads out there. It accommodates all kinds of tasks and needs, so we can use it for both hand sewing and machine sewing. It is also suitable for all types of fabrics, it is neither too thick nor too thin. Therefore, it has high resistance to breakage.

Gütterman Twisted Thread

It is very resistant, which is why it is the most recommended for making buttonholes, hems or stitching. It is also the best for sewing fabrics such as denim, leather, fur.

Gütterman Quiting Thread

It is a very fine, tear-resistant waxed cotton thread. It is widely used for patchwork work.

Cotton Gütterman thread

It is the universal black and white sewing thread. Best for holding seams, zippers, button sewing, and topstitching.