Collection: Bloodstone semi-precious beads

Bloodstone, also known as heliotrope, is a green semi-precious stone with red hematite inclusions that give it a "blood" appearance. It is believed to have healing properties and to help increase energy and stamina.

In addition to its healing and protective properties, the Bloodstone is also believed to help increase determination and bravery. It is also used to help achieve goals and overcome obstacles. In ancient times, it was believed that helped warriors win battles and protected travelers from dangers on the road.

In Hindu culture, the Bloodstone is considered a symbol of power and bravery and is used to make talismans and amulets to protect against evil. In Christian tradition, it is believed that the Bloodstone is the stone of Passion and is used in reliquaries and religious jewelry.

In terms of jewelry, Bloodstone is a versatile stone and can be used in a variety of designs and styles. It is common in Victorian and Art Nouveau jewelry. It is also used in contemporary designs such as earrings, rings and necklaces. In our online store, you will find a wide selection of Bloodstone jewelry pieces to choose from, from classic designs to modern and unique pieces.