Terms of use

General Conditions of Purchase

1. Identification of the Parties
These General Contract Conditions regulate the contracting of services
offered through https://crystaldreams.es . The parties involved in said contract are:
a. MARIA TERESA PINILLOS CORDÓN, with DNI 16590816L, and address for tax purposes at
Parliament Street, No. 2, Villamediana de Iregua, 26142, La Rioja, (hereinafter, M.ª TERESA
PINILLOS) is the owner of the online e-commerce hosted at https://crystaldreams.es (in
(hereinafter, the Website).
b. 'User', understood as any natural person of legal age who accesses the Website
https://crystaldreams.es and complete all the steps aimed at contracting the services,
freely and voluntarily, including the acceptance of these General Conditions of
Hiring. From now on, whenever you are users of the website, you will be referred to as
“Users” and if they are users they will be referred to as “users”.
M.ª TERESA PINILLOS provides the contact email address
shinecrystal@gmail.com for possible complaints or queries. You can also contact us at
contact via phone number 659898187.
2. Object
The purpose of these General Purchase Conditions is to regulate the acquisition by the User
Registered through the Website, in exchange for financial compensation that is
corresponds with the provisions herein.
3. Products
3.1. Product Offering
The Website offers information about all products for sale, features, prices, as well as
as well as certain paid tutorials. The website offers the possibility of making a comparison between
various products.
However, it reserves the right to withdraw, replace or change the products offered to its
customers through their website, by changing the content of the same.
The products offered at any time on the Web will be governed by the general conditions
in force in each case, which is why the company will have the right to stop offering, without prior notice
notice and at any time, access to the mentioned products.
3.2. Availability
The availability of our products may vary depending on customer demand.
Our stock is updated periodically, but this does not allow us to guarantee that the
product you select is not out of stock.

Terms and Conditions of Contract (LSSICE)

In case a product is not available in the online store of Web de M.ª TERESA
PINILLOS will be duly indicated so that the user is informed of the temporary impossibility
to purchase the product in question.
In such cases, the user has the option of contacting M.ª TERESA PINILLOS through
our contact channels to find out about their future availability.
If for any reason a product is not available once the online purchase has been made for a
user, M.ª TERESA PINILLOS would contact the User as soon as possible via
email or by telephone to inform you of such a situation and so that the user can
choose between canceling your purchase, keeping your purchase without the product in question or choosing a product
4. Specific Registration Conditions
These Specific Registration Conditions are applicable at the time of contracting
by the user, being signed on one side by M.ª TERESA PINILLOS, and on the other,
by the User who has completed the corresponding form and the steps indicated in it
Website intended to carry out the registration during the contracting process, together with the
acceptance of these Conditions.
4.1. Requirements and procedure for creating an account
To create an account on the Website, the User will need to, in the contracting process,
Select the “My Account/Register” box.
You will need to add an email account, to which a User access key will be sent.
M.ª TERESA PINILLOS, will confirm to the User his/her contract and registration on the Website, through the
sending a
welcome communication, at which point you become a Registered User.
If the Registered User does not remember his/her password, he/she must click on "Forgot your password?"
password?”, and enter the username or email address through which you made the
record, for its restoration.
4.2. Content of the User Account
Registration on the M.ª TERESA PINILLOS website makes it easier to contract
handcrafted items so that the User can save their data for future contracts and
purchases, as well as the possibility of benefiting from periodic discounts and offers
about our products, which, if they appear, will be duly detailed below.
so that the User can save their data for future contracts and purchases.
The User may cancel his/her subscription at any time by logging in and editing his/her
Subscriptions in “Account Preferences” under “My Account” at https://crystaldreams.es
4.3. Obligations of the Registered User
The Registered User has the following obligations:
a. Do not register with multiple User accounts on the Website, or do so with false or fraudulent data.
impersonating third parties. You are responsible for providing your real data.

Terms and Conditions of Contract (LSSICE)

b. Do not use or attempt to use another User's account without authorization or consent.
c. Be solely responsible for all activities that occur from your personal account
on the website of Mª TERESA PINILLOS.
d. Maintain the confidentiality of your access data, since you will be responsible for any
damage suffered by you or any third party due to your breach of these Terms. You are also responsible
of what happens in your personal account unless its security has been compromised.
compromised by reasons beyond your control. Specifically, you must:
i. Keep the account updated.
ii. Store the chosen password confidentially.
iii. Be the only User who uses the created account.
iv. Do not market, sell or transfer the account to a third party.
e. Mª TERESA PINILLOS reserves the right to withdraw or suspend the account of any person
any user who does not comply with the provisions set forth herein.
4.4. Modification and cancellation of the Registered User account
At any time, the Registered User may modify the data, billing addresses of
your account
personal or cancel the account through the user area.

5. Description of the purchasing process
The purchasing process can be carried out through the Website, by identifying yourself as a Registered User, for which you must complete the appropriate procedures to complete the registration.
To purchase the products available in the catalogue, the User must click on the products of interest through the catalogue, selecting the “Add to cart” option and the number of products he or she wishes to purchase. If the user clicks on the “Quick view” section, a window will appear with a detailed description of the selected product, its content, product type selection options if applicable, other additional information and the ratings of other users, if applicable.
The selected products will automatically be available to the User in the shopping cart.
The User must then:
a. Once the User has verified that the products in the shopping cart correspond to the selection made, the order can be placed by clicking on “Proceed to Checkout”.
b. The user must access his/her account to make the payment. If the user is a new customer, he/she must create a new account.
c. Once the product has been added to the cart, a summary of its contents will be displayed with a breakdown of price and shipping. The “Finalize purchase” option must be selected.
d. The purchasing process will be displayed on the screen, with a form to enter contact details and shipping information and the corresponding consideration, which will be indicated at all times on the form.
e. The Buyer will need to select the chosen payment method. Currently the available payment methods are:
Debit or credit card, in which case we will need you to provide us with information regarding your card for the sole purpose of processing the payment. M.ª TERESA PINILLOS may offer the alternative option of making the payment by cash on delivery.
PayPal: The user will make the payment through their account via the payment platform, entering their data.
Bizum: The user will make the payment to the telephone number 659898187 or 619365495, indicating the order number and the amount to be paid as the concept.
Transfer: The user must make the transfer to the following account number: ES8301824829020201596293, indicating the order number as the concept.
e. Once the User has provided this information, he/she must proceed to payment, thereby confirming his/her willingness to purchase and formalize the sale, after accepting these Conditions.
f. If M.ª TERESA PINILLOS accepts the order, it will confirm that it has received the Buyer's intention to purchase and, where applicable, payment for the order. Likewise, the invoice corresponding to the purchase will be made available to the Buyer by email. By accepting these Conditions, the Buyer allows the sending of an electronic invoice. At any time, the Buyer may object to this by indicating this to the email address ventas@crystaldreams.es
g. Once the order has been confirmed, the Buyer will receive the products within the period indicated on the Website.
If M.ª TERESA PINILLOS does not accept the order, payment will not be made and the reasons will be notified by contacting the user.
6. Pricing policy
The prices shown on the Web are set by M.ª TERESA PINILLOS. Prices are shown in Euros/Dollars.
Before purchasing any of the selected products, we will show you the prices broken down according to the tax base and the taxes applicable at any given time.
Prices do not include certain applicable taxes that must be paid by the Client, if applicable, since M.ª TERESA PINILLOS cannot determine in advance which taxes will be applicable, as this will depend on the place from which the Client makes the contract. Once the Client has entered this information in the appropriate form, the Client will be shown the information regarding the taxes that must be paid.
The costs of transport and delivery of the products will be those indicated on the Website at all times and in the Shipping and Returns Policy.
7. Discount policy
M.ª TERESA PINILLOS may apply certain discounts on its products, which will be clearly defined on the website and will detail their type, the basis on which they are applied, the amount of the discount and which products are affected. The customer may receive discount coupons in the “Information” section, by clicking on the “Discounts” box.
The discount policy will depend on the time of year and is subject to the will of M.ª TERESA PINILLOS.
8. Acceptance of the General Conditions of Purchase
When the purchase is made entirely through the Web, you must read these Conditions and expressly accept them by clicking on the corresponding consent checkbox, which is unchecked by default, at the end of the purchase process.
In the event that there are special rules or restrictions that affect certain rates, discounts and/or products that you have selected, such special rules or restrictions will be made clear to you on the screen before you proceed to purchase the product.
9. Obligations of the parties
9.1. Obligations of M.ª TERESA PINILLOS
M.ª TERESA PINILLOS undertakes to:
a. To carry out in an effective and efficient manner all the procedures aimed at the execution of the receipt by the Buyer of the purchased products.
b. Send the Buyer all the information and documentation necessary to receive the order.
c. Not permit any transaction that is illegal, or is considered by the credit card brands or the acquiring bank to be capable or potentially damaging to their goodwill or negatively influencing them. Under the card brands' programs, the following activities are prohibited: the sale or offer of a product or service that is not in full compliance with all laws applicable to the buyer, issuing bank, merchant, cardholder, or cards; as well as the sale of medications.
d. Comply with these obligations, as well as any others that may be applicable.
9.2. Buyer's Obligations
By accepting these Conditions, the Buyer agrees to:
a. Pay in due time and form the corresponding amounts that have been specified in the purchase process. Failure to pay will exempt M.ª TERESA PINILLOS from compliance with the obligations set forth herein, and any others that it may have contracted in exchange for receiving the financial consideration for the products.
b. Be responsible for the truthfulness and authenticity of any data provided for the purchase of the selected items. In the event of doubtful data, the right to send goods by cash on delivery will be limited.
c. Assume the responsibilities arising from any of the requirements demanded by these Conditions to hold the status of Buyer, as well as the lack of documentation necessary for payment of the purchase.
d. Comply with any other obligations contained in these Conditions or in any other applicable ones and assume any liability arising from their non-compliance, leaving the Owner completely harmless.
10. Exclusion of liability
M.ª TERESA PINILLOS shall in no event be liable for any damages or losses caused to the Buyer for reasons attributable to the Buyer. M.ª TERESA PINILLOS shall be solely and exclusively liable for any damages or losses caused as a result of purchases made on the Website, provided that they arise from fraudulent or negligent action on the part of the Buyer.
By way of example only, M.ª TERESA PINILLOS is not responsible for:
a. The usefulness of the products purchased by the Buyer, since M.ª TERESA PINILLOS is in no way responsible for the selection made, even if it identifies articles in combination with the selected products, which due to their characteristics are recommended as accessories and/or complements.
b. Personal or material damages caused as a result of the use of the products, provided that the recommendations specified therein have not been followed.
c. Failure to comply with its obligations due to force majeure, such as, but not limited to, internal or external strikes, natural disasters, social unrest, etc.
The Buyer thus acknowledges that he/she acquires the articles at his/her own risk and venture, and that the activity of M.ª TERESA PINILLOS is limited to the execution of the material tasks necessary for delivery, processing and management.
In any case, the liability assumed by Mª TERESA PINILLOS towards the Buyer shall in no case include loss of profits and shall be limited, as a maximum and for any reason, to the total amount received from the Buyer in consideration for the acquisition of the product in accordance with these Conditions.
11. Compensation
Any damage, loss, expense or cost (including attorneys' and/or solicitors' fees) arising from a breach by the Buyer of these Conditions or any other applicable Conditions, incurred by Mª TERESA PINILLOS, must be compensated by the Buyer who caused it. This includes any claim by third parties arising from such breaches.
12. Modifications
These Conditions may be modified and/or updated at any time without prior notice. Any modifications made will enter into force upon their publication on the Website, regardless of the means and form used to do so.
The modification will only affect Buyers who have accepted it after said modification.
13. Account cancellation and blocking
Mª TERESA PINILLOS will delete all accounts of those people who place an order and do not pay for it within 15 calendar days. Likewise, access to the Website will be blocked for those users who have defaulted on their payment within 15 calendar days of placing the order.
14. Other issues
14.1. Safeguarding and Interpretation of these Conditions
If any of these provisions is declared illegal, invalid or unenforceable by the competent authority, that provision shall be interpreted in the manner closest to the original intention of that provision. In any event, such declaration in respect of one or more clauses shall not prejudice the validity of the remaining clauses.
The failure by Mª TERESA PINILLOS to demand strict compliance with any of the terms of these Conditions does not constitute nor may it be interpreted in any case as a waiver on her part to demand it in the future.
14.2. Language
The language applicable to these Conditions is Spanish. If versions in other languages ​​are offered, this is only out of courtesy and for the convenience of the Buyer. Therefore, the Buyer expressly accepts that they are governed by the Spanish version. In the event of any contradiction, the Spanish version shall prevail.
14.3. Legislation and jurisdiction
The relationship between Mª TERESA PINILLOS and the Buyer shall be governed by Spanish law and any discrepancies or conflicts regarding these Conditions shall be subject to the Courts and Tribunals of the Buyer's domicile, provided that the latter has the status of consumer and user in accordance with the applicable regulations. Otherwise, the parties shall be subject to the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid.
If the Buyer has any problem arising from the purchase of the products available in the Website Catalog, he/she may resort to the European Union's online dispute resolution system, accessible from the following link: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/main/?event=main.home.show&lng=ES.

Shipping and returns policy
1. Shipping and returns
1.1. Shipping costs
The amount of these costs is set by the transport companies used by M.ª TERESA PINILLOS. They can be viewed at the time of payment processing, just before confirming the order. Below you can see the shipping conditions:

*Estimated delivery time: 24 to 96 hours.

*Estimated delivery time: 2 to 6 days.

* Economy shipments take 5-8 days abroad for the EU zone, United States, Canada, Russia and EU bordering areas can take up to 30 days, all other shipments outside the EU such as Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador and Colombia can take up to 15 days.
*Cash on delivery fee of 2.99 euros for all shipments.
1.2. Order tracking
At Mª TERESA PINILLOS we assign a tracking number to each order so that your order can be located at all times. With a call to the courier company, you will know where your order is at that moment.
1.3. Delivery
Once the order has been placed, the delivery time will be as stipulated in the previous section, always subject to any customs processes and other procedures not directly attributable to Mª TERESA PINILLOS.
Likewise, local, regional and national holidays must be taken into account since, as they are not working days, the deadlines are longer.

In the event that some of the items in your order are not available, M.ª TERESA PINILLOS will inform the Buyer of the new delivery time, indicating the possibility of reimbursement of the amounts paid for the specific item(s), or of replacement with a good of similar characteristics of superior or equal quality, at the Buyer's choice.
In the latter case, the Buyer may exercise the rights of withdrawal and termination under the terms applicable to the goods initially purchased.
The product will come with its delivery note, which the user will receive by email to the address provided in the form.
In order to optimize delivery, Mª TERESA PINILLOS will be grateful if the Buyer indicates an address where the order can be delivered during normal business hours.
1.5. Limitation of liability in transport
Mª TERESA PINILLOS works with specialized courier and transport companies. In the event of absence, the courier will come a second time to ensure delivery of the order within the established time frame. If this is not possible, the courier will contact the Buyer using the telephone number provided.
Once your order has left the warehouses of M.ª TERESA PINILLOS, it is in the hands of the transport company chosen by the Buyer. Therefore, M.ª TERESA PINILLOS does not control the order. If you have any questions or queries and your package has already left our warehouses, please contact the chosen transport company directly.
The Buyer is responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the address information provided. In the event of an error in the address (in whole or in part) and a second shipment is required, the Buyer will be responsible for the shipping costs that may be incurred.
The products are always shipped at the expense and risk of the collaborating companies or the courier or transport service providers contracted in each case by M.ª TERESA PINILLOS. For this reason, M.ª TERESA PINILLOS strongly recommends that at the time of delivery of your order you check that the package containing the products is not damaged externally and that its contents have not suffered any damage. If upon examining the shipment and/or its contents the User notices that it is damaged or broken or has some defect or manufacturing defect, they may return it to M.ª TERESA PINILLOS at no cost.
1.6. Warranty and claims
All products offered are original brand products, with a factory warranty certificate and, in principle, without any defects.
In the event of any defect or lack of conformity, the consumer may choose between repair or replacement of the affected product, unless the latter is impossible or disproportionate.
You have a period of two months from the date you become aware of the non-conformity to do so.
M.ª TERESA PINILLOS is liable for any lack of conformity that becomes apparent within a period of two years from delivery. It is presumed that any lack of conformity that becomes apparent within six months of delivery already existed when the item was delivered. After six months have elapsed, it will be the consumer who will have to prove that the lack of conformity existed at the time of delivery of the item.
1.7. Defective products or incorrect shipments
To formalize a return, the User must contact M.ª TERESA PINILLOS via the email or telephone number indicated above, indicating the product or products to be returned, attaching a photograph and a detailed list of the defects noted in them. Once this communication has been received, M.ª TERESA PINILLOS will indicate the method of collection or shipment of the defective product, at no cost to the User.
In the event that the product is returned due to lack of conformity (defective products or incorrect shipments), the user will have the right to choose either a refund of the amount paid or the replacement of the product with another of identical characteristics. In such cases, M.ª TERESA PINILLOS will be responsible for the costs of shipping or returning the product.
In the event of a return due to incorrect shipment, the product must be delivered with the packaging in perfect condition, the product and its accessories must be in perfect condition, and the product must be packaged in such a way that it cannot be damaged during transport, assuming the responsibility for any possible damage during transport. M.ª TERESA PINILLOS will not accept the return of the product if it is unsealed or shows obvious signs of use.
In the case of a defective product, the user will try to deliver the product in the best possible condition.
The refund will be made according to the way in which the user initially paid for the purchase and provided that the requirements indicated above are met.
In such case, the refund of amounts paid for the purchase of the returned product will be carried out as soon as possible and, in any case, within thirty (30) days.
1.7. Customer Service
For any queries related to our products or services, suggestions, etc., you can contact us by phone at M.ª TERESA PINILLOS or by email at shinecristal@gmail.com.
Our team will respond to you as soon as possible.
2. Right of withdrawal
2.1. Generalities
Pursuant to the law, the Buyer has a period of fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of receipt of the products, to exercise his right of withdrawal without having to justify the reasons or pay penalties except for shipping costs, as long as he is considered a Consumer and User.
All items must be returned in the same condition as when they were delivered, with all their packaging and accessories, provided that this allows all necessary checks and manipulations to be carried out to determine the characteristics and functionality of the products.
The Buyer shall be liable for any decrease in the value of the items if he or she has carried out any manipulation other than that necessary to establish the characteristics and functioning of the products he or she has purchased.
The returned product must be accompanied by a photocopy of the delivery note.
Once we receive the merchandise in our warehouse, and after checking its condition, we will proceed to refund the amount in accordance with the payment method used by the Buyer.
Return costs will not be refunded under any circumstances.
The additional cost of the return management fees will be paid by the user prior to the return, provided that it was returned by a means other than that indicated by M.ª TERESA PINILLOS.
The Buyer may also notify M.ª TERESA PINILLOS of his/her desire to withdraw using the form provided below:

2.2. Exceptions to the right of withdrawal
However, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, approving the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, a right of withdrawal cannot be exercised since it is established that the right of withdrawal will not be applicable to contracts that refer to:
a) Goods or the provision of services whose price depends on fluctuations in the financial market that the entrepreneur cannot control and that may occur during the withdrawal period.
b) Goods made according to the consumer and user's specifications or clearly personalized.
c) Goods that may deteriorate or expire quickly.
d) Sealed goods that are not suitable for return due to health protection or hygiene reasons and that have been unsealed after delivery.
e) Goods which, after delivery and taking into account their nature, have been inseparably mixed with other goods.
In this regard and in relation to section d), Mª TERESA PINILLOS informs the user that, as established by the current regulations in force regarding consumer and user rights, the right of withdrawal is not applicable to those contracts that refer to sealed products that are not suitable to be returned for reasons of health protection or hygiene and that have been unsealed after delivery. Within this type of products would be, for mere exemplary purposes and in no case limiting, facial, body or hair care products, makeup products or manicure and pedicure products.
Consequently, Mª TERESA PINILLOS informs you that if you purchase any sealed product on the Website or the App, once you have unsealed it you will not be able to exercise your right of withdrawal on said product if for reasons of health or hygiene we cannot accept your return.