Miyuki and Toho beads
In the world of beads there are two parallel brands that are distributed in Spain, Europe and the rest of the world that can create confusion. They are Miyuki and Toho .
Both brands are from Japan, a world leader in quality in every sense, and they are both extremely high-quality brands that allow you to buy high-standard products.
Starting with the fact that Japan is the Germany of the world, you can imagine what a guarantee it is to buy Japanese products if you are looking for quality. In the world of beads, in fact, all the works that require particularly precise techniques use these two brands.
You probably know Toho seed beads, which are widely distributed in our country and are practically identical to Miyuki seed beads. In fact, the price is somewhat more affordable and the number of colours and effects is the same for both brands. Miyuki has certainly played a better role in marketing here in Europe, but in the United States, for example, Toho is widely used and better known than here.
And if you don't think that they only produce seed beads, you are wrong since they have exactly the same as Miyuki under another name such as Tresure, which would be the much-loved Delicas. So we encourage you to get to know this brand and spread the word, there is not yet a large assortment of colors available in our country, but perhaps throughout 2021 many more will arrive and you can start to see projects and tutorials that use these types of beads. Finally, it must be said that the difference in size, or rather in shape, does exist but it is minimal and we are talking about thousandths in width and height, but if you decide to start a project, do not mix the two brands because to expert eyes the difference could surely be noticed.